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Women of St. John's

The Women of St. John's mission is to provide service to our church home, community and those in need.  Through that service we hope to foster opportunities for our members to enrich their faith and also enjoy fellowship among our church family.  Members are encouraged to participate in as many, or as few, of the activities that interest them.  Notices of upcoming events can be found in the church bulletin, Crossbeams and on the web site.  Anyone interested in being added to the WOSJ email list should send a request to Katherine Graham.  All are welcome!

Examples of our work are:

  • Christian Closet - a non-profit clothing exchange for those in need

  • Flower Power days - beautification and maintenance of the church landscapes

  • Father's Day reception after church services

  • Meals on Wheels dessert collections each month

WOSJ collects desserts each month to send to the McKnight Meals on Wheels program. Desserts should be individually packaged and labeled. Please contact Katherine Graham for more info on this. 

Global Links:

The Women of St. John's is teaming with the Men of St. John's to support Global Links.  Global Links is a medical relief and development organization, based in Pittsburgh but with an international perspective and reach.  For more information about what they do please visit their website at:

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